Branding Photography: Why you Need 3 Words to Define your Brand

Think about how you want people to feel when they interact with your brand.? Every Instagram or blog post, every page on your website, even business cards and every other promotional material that your customers see should align with that vibe.

Creative or corporate? Calm or bold? Fun or trustworthy? These are just a few brand characteristics you’d want to consider when planning of your next professional lifestyle photoshoot or even a DIY personal branding photo.

You also need different types of images with a different vibe for your various roles:
Whether you need an author photo for speaking engagements, lifestyle photos for your social media profile, professional headshot pictures for your LinkedIn profile or even just spot on images for internal use - the overarching visual language for all your image should be the same but the level of formality, body language, props maybe very different.

“Custom”, “authentic”, “natural” is what this young Seattle woodworker here wanted to express when he got commercial brand photography for his online portfolio. 

Got you thinking? Contact me at oriana@purplesquidphotography.comto learn how to get the perfect branding photos for you .
